Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Loading the cherry into the pitter upside down

I just tried out the cherry pitter my mom gave me last year, and it's really amazing. The instructions say to load it with the stemless top facing up, but I found that if I loaded the cherry by threading the stem down through the holder and splatter shield (posh!), then the pit pops out attached to the stem, and there's no lost/attached cherry flesh. No need to de-stem this way, too!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Roasting frozen vegetables in the oven or toaster oven

My husband and I love that we can shake frozen vegetables onto a foil-lined tray, spray with olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper, then pop the tray into a preheated (circa 400F) oven or toaster oven for about 10-15 minutes and voila! Delicious roasted vegetables.
This is incredibly easy, and has made dinner so much less daunting.

My mom mentioned to me the other day that we could just put some chicken thighs on the sheet with the veggies, and holy moly, that worked too!